Car be gone!

Hello car lovers, and haters.
Over the past couple months, and especially last few weeks I’ve been having a lot of conversations with people about their cars.
Especially the cars they are trying to sell, for any variety of reasons, but are unable to sell them to anyone, cars that even TUC will not buy because they have 7 in stock and are unable to shift them.

And one idea that popped into my head was a system of selling the car for a fraction of the purchasing price to an NPC (25%-50% range), just so you can get rid of the damn thing, maybe with a condition that you’ve had to own it for at minimum a couple months.

I know this could potentially lead to people just selling them to the NPC instead of TUC, but I feel as long as the payout is a lot less then TUC would pay for it, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

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23 days ago



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